Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hey from the Pfaff's

It's me, blogging.

I love crazy kids.

"I'm the prince!"

Poor Rody.  I don't think he's meant to carry two.

Big brother lovin' on his little sister.

We care about Zoey.  And we show it by locking her out of the stairwell.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Saturday Past

Saturday was the "big move" day.  We had already moved the mattresses and most of the kitchen over on St. Patrick's Day and had been sleeping here, in our home, since then.  However, we still had 85.72% of the apartment to move.  And guess what we woke up to on "big move day"?

Can you see it?  The swiftly falling flakes of fluffy white snow?

This is the winter wonderland scene from my bedroom.  Aren't I lucky?

Despite the snow, our amazing and wonderful friends brought their pickup trucks and burly arms in the morning and early afternoon.  After they were through, we were mostly moved into our new house.  And most of that fresh snow was melted.
But, when you spend your last week of living in your apartment painting your new house instead of packing, this is what you get at the end of "big move day":

Throughout the move, some young friends and I were just going around the apartment throwing stuff into boxes...and now those boxes are all around our new house waiting to be unpacked, sorted and put away.  We've already unpacked a lot, so it's not all bad, but it sure did look icky at first.

We made sure to relax after a long week of work.  We watched Tangled with Kurt and Sharon that night.  It was a fun movie.  Listening to Owen laugh was, as usual, the best part of the movie.  After everyone went to bed, Jonathan made sure all was well with the newly set up internet.  :)

In the Eye of the Crayon-holder

Talking about paint colors, I told Olivia how much I love indigo.  Her response, "All indigo is to me is the crayon in the box that I'll never use."

Moving Time

On Saint Patrick's Day we decided to move into our new home.  The bedrooms were all painted and J was rarin' to go!  Here are some photos of the kids gettin' ready for their first night there.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Sum's and Zozo.

When Mommy works all day, and forgets to put the casserole in the oven, we eat out, in our pajamas that we never changed out of.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Yesterday Was a Big Day Too

Yesterday, I met with my friend to go over some of my paint color choices.  She had some great ideas and we narrowed down the multitude of colors I had selected for my upstairs.  Somuchfun!

Then Dylan and I went for a walk.  

"I wan go dees way, Mama!"

We followed/splashed through a long puddle to something really cool.

"Take picture of dat now."
Our discovery, the grate, made the most wonderful music.  Dylan spent about 15 minutes kicking chunks of snow into it and watching the water flow down.  I thought to myself, This is so nice.  Why don't we do this more often?  And that thought was quickly followed by, Because two days ago this puddle was a block of ice and it wasn't warm out, that's why. It was literally freezing.  And by warm, I mean it was just above freezing, but oh how five degrees makes such a huge difference!

We walked back home happy to have gotten a healthy dose of Vitamin D.  Then we got ready for the babysitters, because we had Papa's birthday dinner to go to with the big kids.

He's so old his picture is in black and white!

Sharon and Kurt in living color.
The best part of eating at a restaurant.
Sav's being silly.
Ooh!  Special birthday sundae!
Saveia giving Papa the multitude of gifts she and Summer prepared for his big day.
Singing "Happy Birthday" with Jennifer on the phone.

  We finished up the night with a video thanks to the Red Box man.  Fun times!