Wednesday, October 17, 2012

September Summarized

So I had this baby.  And I kept taking pictures, but they just sat on my phone...

So, I will attempt to summarize last month.

Here is the awesome garden, which produced one normal sized pumpkin and two smalls.

Owen enjoying Zachary.

Owen and Saveia receiving their participation 'awards' from 4H.

 Some of the yummy fresh veggies from Owen and Saveia's gardens.

Homeschooling in the afternoon.

Dylan lovin' on his little sister.

The kids playing games.

Picking blueberries at Libby and Son's.

Picking apples at Libby and Son's.

Duck Duck Goose with the siblings.

Olivia bakes apple pie from scratch.

Auntie Jamie's birthday!

Zack's Second Beach Trip 

Game night with friends.

Mini golfing with the family.  Zachary and Chloe chill together.

Sister and brother with daughter and son.

Jonathan found a little friend.

Owen found something too.

Saveia found money.

Chloe finally warms up to Papa after an entire week with him.

Owen played football.  Offensive and Defensive Tackle.

 Then October came...

1 comment:

  1. Love the photo with all the kids and you. Thanks for the update. I was beginning to forget what you looked like. :) Have fun with your parents. I won't hold you accountable for another update at least until a little after they leave. Heehee.
