Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fall Unit Study Finale

We have been enjoying our new co-op, and this past week we spent getting ready for the 1920s themed Celebration.  

Saveia and classmate Sarah.

Playing outside after co-op.
 Here's my go at 1920s flapper style (Zoey doesn't really count):

I had to highlight my turban.  I was so proud of that thing.  

The girls all entered photos in the co-op picture contest.  (The first Kodak picture contest was in 1929. Here's an interesting blog about it.)  Here are almost all of the photos that were entered.  They were all great: creative and fun.

One of the couples in the co-op had their ballroom dance teacher come teach us some Lindy Hop.  It was complicated for amateur dancers.  Owen graciously agreed to be a partner for his little sister.

 Summer won "Best Composition in Lower Grammar" for her portrait of Saveia at Deering High School, below.  I think it's super appropriate given that Summer was very specific about how to crop her photo for framing.

Saveia won "Best Portrait in Lower Grammar" for her portrait of Summer (the only photo she took-she was more interested in posing than photographing), to the right.

Olivia entered several photos in the contest.

And won Best in Show with her photo of Zoey, below.  

This photo was taken at the Central Square Baptist Church, which was built in the early 1900s.  Actually, I don't know if this is the photo that won best in show, but it's my favorite, and it bears a little resemblance to the 1929 Kodak winner.  So, I think it was the winner... ;)
Congrats to my girls!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Applefest 2012!!!

Didn't get a lot of photos this time around.  I tried to enjoy the day instead of document it.  Aaron spent the entire day pressing cider with whoever wanted to join him.

I face painted for a little while.

Dylan enjoying his frosting laden sugar cookie.

Jonathan and Kurt enjoying the nice (relatively) weather.

Dylan being super brave while a wasp ate frosting off his pants.  (I ended up knocking him off into a paper cup and crushing him beneath my heel.)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Baby, Bread, Baumgartner

Zachary is so sweet.

I baked a bunch of bread.  (And Olivia baked a beautiful pie.)

The kids waiting for Felix Baumgartner to jump out of his capsule.  
(Unfortunately it didn't happen until Sunday.)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Helping Out Local Candidates

We were given the opportunity to help some of our local candidates by painting their signs.  We got a few done with a stencil and some paint.  Photos were taken at the end of our session.  Open cans of paint and goofy kids do not a good combination make.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fun Times in October

Sometimes I think Owen is a miniature Jonathan.  This was one of those times:

In co-op Owen got to make an awesome cookie map of Europe.  Unfortunately, some of it was already eaten up by the time I got to take the photo.

As you can see, Zack is getting more and more adorable.

On Saturday morning, Jonathan introduced a new game to the kids:  Formula D.  Fun times were had by all! Please Note Dylan's expressions in photo one and three in this set, made specifically for picture-taking.

As if his volume were not enough in real life, he must demonstrate in pantomime.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Apple Picking Time

Before I begin about the wonders of Thompson's Orchard, I must point out Zachary's awesome onesie made by Ashley and Ben.

Oh Thompson's Orchard, how I love thy donuts!  A friend from co-op planned an apple picking outing and asked if I knew of any good apple orchards.  Well, I can't help but be partial to Thompson's because they make wonderful donuts.  Seriously, apples are apples to me, but I discriminate when it comes to donuts.  So we went up with some friends from co-op, and then we went again with friends from church.

 Dylan and Zoey watch the loader dump apples.

Snacking on delicious donuts.

Playing in the puddles... 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

September Summarized

So I had this baby.  And I kept taking pictures, but they just sat on my phone...

So, I will attempt to summarize last month.

Here is the awesome garden, which produced one normal sized pumpkin and two smalls.

Owen enjoying Zachary.

Owen and Saveia receiving their participation 'awards' from 4H.

 Some of the yummy fresh veggies from Owen and Saveia's gardens.

Homeschooling in the afternoon.

Dylan lovin' on his little sister.

The kids playing games.

Picking blueberries at Libby and Son's.

Picking apples at Libby and Son's.

Duck Duck Goose with the siblings.

Olivia bakes apple pie from scratch.

Auntie Jamie's birthday!

Zack's Second Beach Trip 

Game night with friends.

Mini golfing with the family.  Zachary and Chloe chill together.

Sister and brother with daughter and son.

Jonathan found a little friend.

Owen found something too.

Saveia found money.

Chloe finally warms up to Papa after an entire week with him.

Owen played football.  Offensive and Defensive Tackle.

 Then October came...