Monday, April 25, 2011

Friday Before Easter, Egg Dyeing

We dyed Easter eggs on Good Friday at Nana and Papa's house.  Spring is here, so we decorated outside in the sunshine.

"Don't start yet!"

Flash from the 80s or Nana's old paint shirts?

Easter shoes and socks.

Concentration, not anger.

Nana and Dylan crackin' 'em out!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Portraits! Sort of.

I've been cleaning my house today.  Tomorrow we host Easter dinner for a bunch of dear friends, old and new, and Nana and Papa.  It was a quick morning, and the girls and I got a lot done.  We had a huge list of to do's on the back of an old roll of wrapping paper.  So much fun to check them off.  Meanwhile, Jonathan and Owen went to Lowe's and bought a drill among other things.  They did a lot of fix and improve projects around the house, like this:
Hurrah!  No more knife block taking up space on the counter!!!
It was a longer afternoon of slower cleaning, but I still got a lot done.  So, my house, after I finish mopping, will be almost as clean as my mom's house before a big event.  I'll never get it as clean as my mom would get hers, but then again, how many of us will live up to our mother's spic 'n' span example?  Either way, it's the cleanest it will be for weeks.  I will just revel in the scent of kitchen cleaners while I upload photos from our portrait session at the Picture People. 

Even though I'm usually disappointed in the quality, I'm a sucker for their $18 packages around the holidays.  We waited 40 minutes before the poor, lone photographer was able to photograph us, so I snapped a bunch of photos in their window studio.  Here are the kids, posing for me. 

Yes, she posed like this all by herself.  She fluffed her dress and everything.

Almost all looking.  Then Summer laughed at me and said, "I looked that way."  On purpose. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Zoey in Her New Birthday Outfit

Dylan and Zoey's Birthday

Dylan turned 3 yesterday, which he interprets as "9".  That makes perfect sense since he's been telling everyone he's 8, just like his big brother.  He also thought it was "Open Presents Day" as opposed to his "Birthday".  Oh well, he'll figure it out eventually.  Open Presents Day is basically the same as a Birthday and 9 is 3 squared...

Party favors stuffed by Owen.

Our friends Anica and Clayton and Amelia came to the party along with Nana and Papa.  We ate Dylan's favorite dinner, Chicken Divan with rice and bread. 

Zoey took a little while to warm up to the festivities in her honor.

You woke me up for this?
But she cracked a smile when we brought out the cake!
Amelia, Rob and Christy look on as Zoey is presented her birthday slice.

Zoey wonders Now what?

Daddy tries to blow it out.
Of course, Dylan knew what to do. 


Happy Train Table Day! 

Opening his trains from Lolo and Lola.

Anica watches as Dylan unwraps and gathers his toys.

Opening his boat and helicopter from Papa and Nana.

He loves the toy Summer wrapped up and passed on to him.

Olivia wanted to be in charge of helping Zoey open her presents.


The present Summer wrapped up and passed on to Zoey.

Saveia, with Mommy's help, made some Thomas puppets for Dylan.

Saveia also made a gift for Zoey.  A mobile to hang above her changing table.
I did help Saveia with the mobile but it was her idea all the way.  She is quite the crafter!!!