Thursday, November 17, 2011


On Wednesday we made a trip to a new friend's house, with some of our old friends.  Conor Guptill, of the Bison Project, showed us around his farm and taught us all a little about what it's like to raise Bison.  We picked up a little bit of trivia as well.  Did you know that they were initially called Buffalo because Europeans though they looked like the water buffalo of Asia?  In fact, Bison are more closely related to camels!  You can thank me the next time you win Trivial Pursuit.
Chickens help fertilize the grass! 


The chickens aren't laying their eggs in the same spot, so Conor boils eggs and marks them with an "x" to lure them to specific "nests" where he can find them.
 Here we are walking out to the field.  The pasture had been separated into four quadrants so the grass would have time to grow before those huge grass-loving animals could get at it.

That's a really tall electrified fence.  Thank God Conor de-energized the bottom wires.  I almost had a hard attack three times.
 The one on the left was the male, the head of the herd.  Can't remember his name.  Conor told us they are curious animals and they walked all the way across the field to check us out.
But when Conor told us that they'd been naughty and weren't going to get any treats, they turned around and walked away.  Totally serious.  They had been standing and staring at us for a long time, and right on cue...  They must understand English.

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