Friday, October 21, 2011

Gone to Oregon

My blogpost title is cuter if you say it like a Mainer.  "Gone to Or-ee-gone."

Well, I'm back at the blog.  At the end of September J and I dashed off to Oregon for an amazing week among friends and family, to witness the wedding of Jonathan's younger cousin Kyle.  Thanks to the Smith's, my great cousin Patty and sister-in-law Jamie for making it possible by watching after parts and, in Patty's case, all of the kids while we were away.

It was a really refreshing and rejuvenating experience for us, and a huge blessing to get to see so many people we haven't seen in years.  However, when we first arrived in Portland it was 2am our time, so I was feel in' a little bit tired on our light rail ride into Portland.

After napping, we headed off on a tour of our old stomping grounds with our friends Jon and Rachael.  We had to step in and document the place where we met, the Calder lecture hall.  Unfortunately there was a lecture going on so we couldn't reenact the moment.  Oh well.

Jonathan, Jon and Rachael chill in the Student Union Building while I try to track down the phone number of one of my best professors.

Ah love.

After meeting up with Neal Ninteman, my dear friend Heidi met us at Fox.  We hopped over to the Coffee Cottage and bought an old copy of the Happy Hollisters for the kids.  I wonder if they'll like it.

On the drive back into Hillsboro, we stopped at Bald Peak, a place J and I often tried to find, but never ended up going to.

I don't think people generally think of it like this, but I had forgotten how much beautiful farm land there is nestled in the great forests of Oregon.  It's so beautiful.  Unfortunately this isn't a great photo of that, but it was the best I could do as we sped over the mountain into Hillsboro.  

Here's Chloe meeting her Uncle Jonathan for the first time!

What a little cutie she is!

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